
de la recherche
en mode


for fashion


We are a French network of researchers who analyze fashion, dissect it, decipher it, explore it, create it, exhibit it, preserve it, and restore it…

We are anthropologists, archivists, researchers, museum curators, designers, writers, entrepreneurs, students, historians, engineers, journalists, philosophers, artists, professors, sociologists and theoreticians…

United together, within Culture(s) de Mode, we aim to promote the richness of French archives and the deep knowledge on fashion in France.

Culture(s) de Mode brings together people from a wide variety of disciplinary attachements who work within fashion research. The network organizes workshops and provide support for people and innovative projects.

The Culture(s) de Mode website keeps the public informed about French research initiatives and events and hosts digital research projects.

/ Our missions

  • Promote fashion research in France

Highlight researchers, archives, publications, exhibitions, research projects, and scientific events related to fashion research in France.

  • Develop the community of fashion researchers

Bring together a network of specialists and foster connections between them.

  • Create a digital platform for research

Develop the digital outreach of resources on fashion in France.

  • Support future scholars

Encourage students in their research projects by providing practical workshops, research and publishing grants, and professional mentorship.



Miren Arzalluz, Directrice, Palais Galliera
Maude Bass-Krueger, Chercheuse IHTP-CNRS et CHS Sorbonne ; Leiden University
Géraldine Blanche, Doctorante Science Po ; Enseignante
Denis Bruna, Conservateur en chef, MAD
Manuel Charpy, Chargé de recherche CNRS, Lille 3/IRHiS
Emanuele Coccia, Maître de conférence, EHESS
Alexia Fontaine, Muséographe ; Ingénieur de recherche, Lille 3
Olivier Gabet, Directeur, MAD
Ilène Hacker, Responsable des archives Paco Rabanne
Emilie Hammen, Doctorante Paris I ; Enseignante, IFM
Sophie Kurkdjian, Chercheuse IHTP-CNRS et CHS Sorbonne ; Chargée des archives FHCM
Gaspard de Massé, Responsable des archives Balenciaga
Aurélie Mossé, Enseignante-chercheuse,  co-directrice du groupe de recherche Soft Matters, EnsAD, PSL
Marco Pecorari, Directeur de programme, Parsons – The New School, Paris
Laurence Piette, Directrice, Atelier Chardon Savard
Sylvie Roy, Chargée d’études documentaires, Palais Galliera
Aurélie Samuel, Directrice des collections, Musée YSL Paris
Patrice Verdière, Professeur, École Duperré
Jeanne Vicérial, Doctorante SACRe, EnsAD-PSL
Marlène Van de Casteele, Doctorante Lyon II ; Enseignante, EnsAD

Join the network and contribute to the dynamism of research in France