Miki Siguria (Hosei University Tokyo / Warwick Global History Centre) : Economies of Global Clothes. Slave Clothing in 18th century Dutch Cape Colony ». Le séminaire se déroulera en salle 830 (Olympe de Gouge).
This lecture examines how slave clothing was created and circulated in the 18th century Cape Town. Being the transit of Indian the Atlantic Ocean’s traffics and being completely reliant on imports, Cape Colony formed the juncture of European and Asian textiles. Cape’s rich inventory and auction records expose the myriads of these exchanges. Dressing Slaves reflects this mix-cultured influx of goods as well as complicated colonial politics. Surprisingly, Dutch Cape colony was seemingly able to supply slave clothing cheaper than its successor British Cape Colony. The presentation attempts to solve this mystery by analysing value formations of textile and clothing and focusing on second-hand circulation.
Pour tout renseignement complémentaire merci de contacter : ariane.fennetaux@univ-paris-diderot.fr et/ ou fdechantal@univ-paris-diderot.fr
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